The History of The Micropay-Linksystem

The Idea.

Putting your links on other peoples websites isn't always easy. So i've decided to write a module for my favorite CMS , mambo which takes the hassel out of the linkplacing process. Why not ,I asked myself making people pay for every link they place. At the same time I read a article on Micropayment. I combined the 2 thoughts and the Micropay-Linksystem was born Yeah!

The Mambolinksystem

At first I needed some platform The idea of the Micropay-Linksystem is much broader than just a component in Mambo/Joomla so I decided to develop the idea step by step. So the first project is called Mambolinksystem.. Mambolinksystem is released under GNU General Public License (GPL) . The Linksystem part of the name revers 1) putting links on a mambo based website 2) Linking components/modules on this project together to one system.

The micropay part.

The other part is the micropayment part. This part is not hosted on A provider will take care of this. The mambolinksystem will interface with the the micropayment part. Logo