Why placing a mambolinksystem component on your site ?

Three reasons :


Before I sounding too much like a car salesman. I'll explain it further.


There are numerous micropayment providers on the web. It's like a forrest with a infinite amound of tree's. Making the right decision in finding a provider that meets your needs is a tedious process. If you have a mambo website , you can simply install a component on your site and start generating revenue.which is takes only a minute.


Using proven micropayment solutions makes the process of generating revenue very save. The micropayment part is not part of the GNU license.


Customers can order services just by dailing a phonenumber on a cellphone.And you as a site admin can 'get payed' just by filling in a bankaccountnumber or a paypal email adres in the administrator panel of mambo.

Admin :Ray Koster

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